Glastonbury Festivals






The brilliant Glasto Recycling Team includes several hundred volunteers from charities who litter pick to raise funds. Many non-charity volunteers are kind enough to donate too, so each year we raise tens of thousands of pounds. Most of the charities are very small and specific in their area of work and three of them are featured below.


Kiota is a volunteer-run kitchen table charity working in partnership with Tanzanian young women’s health & development NGO KIWOHEDE. Since 2003, we have funded water projects that have provided clean water to thousands, building projects that offer a safe place for young people to learn, develop and relax, and an education project offering secondary education to young people who would not otherwise have had the opportunity to continue their studies. Kiota means “nest” in Kiswahili, representing a safe haven for our beneficiaries.

We are lucky enough to have had a team on the recycling crew at Glastonbury Festival since 2004, raising well over £100,000, and contributing significantly to our work and achievements.

In 2022, we had a team of 100 volunteers who were litter-picking, sorting and recycling the waste found in the Other Stage field throughout the festival. Glastonbury Festival 2022 will support us to continue to fund secondary education for some of Tanzania’s most marginalised young people, in a nurturing environment that at the same time enables the students to avoid dangerous and exploitative situations, gain the psycho-social support that they need and expand their options for the future.

“To educate girls is to reduce poverty… Study after study has taught us that there is no tool for development more effective than the education of girls.” Kofi Annan

Keep in touch through Facebook @KiotaOrg, Twitter or emailing To support our work, go to


The Bhopal Medical Appeal funds clinics in Bhopal, India, providing healthcare to survivors of the 1984 Bhopal Gas Tragedy. 8-10,000 people died within 3 days and at least 25,000 have now perished as a direct result of exposure to the gas. The clinics also help anybody affected by the thousands of tonnes of toxic waste, abandoned at the disaster site, contaminating a local water supply used by tens of thousands of poor families. The clinics funded by the appeal are the only places that offer any affected person the healthcare they need free of charge.

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We are Mind in Somerset, Glastonbury’s local mental health charity.  Like all local Minds, we are an independent charity that is proud to be affiliated with national Mind.

In 2021 our 57 services have supported 17,490 service users with 45,300 interactions. In context, that means that we have supported 1 in 36 Somerset residents, through support groups, one-to-ones, phone calls, training or community engagement.
We are here to make sure anyone with a mental health problem has somewhere to turn for advice and support. Our core purpose is help anyone affected by mental illness, improving their quality of life and wellbeing.  We have an open door and treat everyone as individual, ensuring the right support, at the right time in the right way through our Mindline 24/7 service, Peer support groups, Garden, Art therapy and much more.

Our Mindline Emotional support and mental health helpline is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  It is a confidential listening service which provides a safe place to talk if you, or someone you know, is in distress. We can also give basic information about mental health and local support services. So, if you need any support or have any questions ring Mindline 24/7 on 01823 276 892 or visit