Glastonbury Festivals





The sunset makes its way through the Healing Field on mid-summer eve. Family and friends gather, and a quiet, collective breath is drawn as the sun disappears behind the Tor. There is a stillness, a moment of contemplation before the people continue on to the stone circle, the sacred space. There they will spend the night around the fire, lulled in and out of sleep by soft drumming and gentle voices as they wait for the Solstice Sunrise. When it comes, they greet it with shouts, cheers and applause, moved to tears and celebration. A simple human offering in response to immense beauty and spiritual significance. 

After a while they gently make their way down through the Green Fields gathering strength for the weekend ahead. Instinctively they know these fields are where they want to be. They are surrounded by love, innovation, protest and defiance. They listen to voices that teach a way of life that is in harmony with, not at war with, Earth.  

The party starts here, a connection with and a winding up of the senses bringing the core principles of sharing our planet safely and generously to the forefront of their minds as they let go of the daily grind.