Glastonbury Festivals





The Atchin Tan / Stopping Place

Found in the Theatre And Circus field, The Stopping Place, or ‘Atchin Tan’ in Romanes, is named after the now virtually non-existent traditional stopping places across the country, where Gypsies and Travellers would stop to rest for a few days. The Atchin Tan is the focal point for a Traveller Awareness Campaign, where you’ll find living examples of Travellers’ moving homes – a horse drawn wagon, Romany caravan, Traveller truck and more – as well as talks, music, storytelling and an information tent.

Now in its second year, the Atchin Tan will provide a platform to raise awareness of the issues affecting Britain’s Romany, Irish Traveller, New Traveller, Roma and nomadic communities. From learning about the chronic decimation of safe stopping places, to finding out about the contribution of Travellers to Glastonbury Festival’s history, there will be lots of creativity, talks and discussions to be a part of – come along!

A full program of events is planned over the weekend as well as pop-up events across the site.

Please do stop by the Atchin Tan. Everyone is welcome here.