Glastonbury Festivals





As the shape of the post-pandemic world begins to form, it’s clear that people are more willing to stand up and be counted. Workers are striking, agitators are mobilising, and the fight for truth and justice is becoming ever more urgent. At Left Field, we’re responding to this clamour by bringing you voices from the front line of the struggle in debate and performance. Whether it’s radical perspectives or great music you want, stand up and be counted at Left Field

Billy Bragg 2023

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The Worker’s Beer Company and myself started the Left Field Tent, following our tradition of campaigning for CND and helping the miners who were totally destroyed by Maggie in the eighties.

And before that there was the huge surge of interest in the Green movement’s efforts to clean up our country when the eco warriors arrived here in all their glory in the seventies.

Fortunately for us all, Billy and Juliet have now picked up the baton. Their passion and integrity is what’s needed to run the Left Field Tent to fight for a change and give our poorer people just half a chance to live decent, happy and worthwhile lives.